Nouri som driver ”vårt” café i klubbhamnen undrar om någon vill segla hans båt från Marseille i Frankrike till Gibraltar. Om du är ensam så kan han ev ordna 1 eller 2 gastar. Segelbåt: Fingal 28 fot med inombordsmotor Yanmar 7.5 hk, 1,3 m djupgående, vikt 3 ton.
Läs hans beskrivning på engelska här nedan:
Insurance at Pantenius, Swedish flag and registration, VHF radio licence, plotter with all charts on, or surf platta med Navionics on and an old hand GPS also.
Sails there are all which needs.
Trip: Boat is on her way to Cape Verde, but if sails down to Gibraltar, or canary islands.
Thanks for taking this announcement in, hope some one would get this chance. I will be looking for experience or non experience sailors at the same time on the if any one from Sweden take the boat, then will be a possibility to arrange another one or two persons to follow.
Mvh. Nouri